Week 12: Weather and the Ocean

Weather and the Ocean (Storms, Volcanoes, Earthquakes)--Week Eleven



Weather and the Ocean (Storms, Volcanoes, Earthquakes)


A. Next online class is on April 22 at 3:30pm through Zoom.

B.Choose a nautical/maritime/sailer/sea/ocean book and read in it this week. Be prepared to report on what you learned/read/thought about it at Wednesday's online class.

You decide which book from the list (or get approval by suggesting an alternative

title on your weekly report, link at the bottom of this post).

You decide how much to read.

C. Check out any or all of the resources below. Be prepared to share what you

learned/thought about these. Feel free to add any other resources you think should

be included (add by sharing the link(s) in your weekly report, link at the bottom of

this post).

Question to consider: How does the ocean affect the climate?

Why are they called engines of destruction?

How does the ocean play into the water cycle?

What happens when a volcano erupts under water?

More examples of undersea volcanoes.

Click here for your WEEKLY Report link (send before next Wednesday's class at 3:30pm):


Questions/Concerns/Compliments/Thoughts Etc? Click here for the form to communicate anytime. 


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